Everybody’s Environment Action Group is a collaboration of environmental and community-based groups in Western North Carolina striving to foster equity and inclusion.
The group originally formed after Green 2.0 (an initiative dedicated to increasing racial diversity across mainstream environmental NGOs, foundations and government agencies) published a report on the state of diversity in environmental organizations. The report, titled "The State of Diversity in Environmental Organizations: Mainstream NGOs, Foundations & Government Agencies," is the most comprehensive report of its kind. The authors found that people of color in environmental organizations and agencies have not broken the 12-16% "green ceiling" that has existed for decades. This report inspired environmental and community organizations in Asheville to collaborate toward integrating the needs of the community into their long-term plans.
Everybody's Environment Action Group
The Action Group meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 3:30-5:00 at revolving locations to plan initiatives.
Members of the Action Group represent the following organizations in and around Asheville:
- Asheville Green Works
- Asheville Sierra Club
- Appalachian Trail Conservancy
- UNC Asheville Center for Diversity Education
- Green Opportunities
- UNC Asheville Student Enviromental Center
- Conservation Trust for North Carolina
- Dogwood Alliance
- Mountain People's Assembly
- Riverlink
- Southern Appalachians Highlands Conservancy
Green 2.0 and the Green Insider's Club
The report, written by University of Michigan professor Docreta Taylor for Green 2.0, describes the state of diversity in environmental organizations as "troubling."
The report, “The State of Diversity in Environmental Organizations: Mainstream NGOs, Foundations & Government Agencies,” is the most comprehensive report on diversity in the environmental movement. Researchers surveyed 191 environmental non-profits, 74 government environmental agencies, and 28 leading environmental
grant making foundations to investigate their gender and racial diversity composition. While the majority of of these organizations report that they value diversity, most have not taken the necessary steps to ensure diverse racial inclusion. The study included confidential interviews of 21 environmental leaders from diverse backgrounds and experiences.