The Center for Diversity Education is currently offering two Equity and Inclusion workshops for UNCA student organizations, classes, and faculty/staff groups. Participating in these workshops is a great step toward making your organization more inclusive of diverse experiences. Read more about the workshops offered below.
Disability Language, Attitudes, and Justice
People with disabilities constitute a minority group. In fact, they are the largest minority group in the human population, crossing lines of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexuality, and age. Disability is a minority group which any person can at any point in their life become a member of, so it is imperative that individuals and organizations become competent in understanding disability and ableism.
Christa Mullis, of The Center for Diversity Education and The Disability Cultural Center, presents “Disability Attitudes, Language, and Justice,” a workshop that aims to teach participants about disability as a matter of diversity, community, culture and justice. How we talk about disability is more than just a matter of being “politically correct” or “sensitive.” It is a matter of how we think about and bring justice, respect, autonomy, dignity, and human rights to disabled people who face both individual, systematic and institutionalized ableism.
This workshop is offered in three consecutive levels. The duration of each level is flexible, between 30 and 90 minutes, based on the needs of the participating group. UNCA student organizations, classes, and faculty/staff groups are strongly encouraged to register.
Level One: Language
Level One of the workshop covers basic disability terminology, etiquette, and identities while exploring the language of pathology.
Level Two: Attitudes
Level Two investigates commonly held perceptions about disability by reviewing the medical and social models of disability and examining media representation.
Level Three: Justice
The final level of the workshop focuses on ableism as a form of structural oppression, and encourages participants to consider accessibility and inclusion as an issue of social justice.
Sign up for this workshop by completing the form below:
Check Your Privilege
Check Your Privilege is a free, participatory workshop offered to university organizations. The experiential nature of the workshop encourages participant engagement, challenges our understandings of privilege and oppression, and may support your organization in becoming more inclusive of diversity. The Check Your Privilege workshop is an hour long, requires a minimum of 10 participants, and is facilitated by The Center for Diversity Education's Equity and Inclusion Educator. For more information or to register your organization, email Deborah Miles at [email protected].
Sign up for this workshop by completing the form below: