K-12 Programs

The Center for Diversity Education has worked in K-12 schools throughout Western North Carolina since 1995.  All programs directed at K-12 schools connect to the Essential Standards and common Core.  Visit the links below to learn more about how we can help educators increase awareness, tolerance, and cultural competency in their classrooms.

Road Shows

Field Trips

Lending Library

Professional Development 

WNC in the World

* Read the “Semana sin insultos” press release article

* Read the Russian press release article

The Mountain Area Interfaith Forum has created:

With Liberty and Justice for All: A Guide for
Respecting ReligiousDiversity in our Community.

The guide includes resources for public school teachers on teaching about religion in the classroom.
To view the guide, click here.


Center for Diversity Education, 1 University Heights, CPO 1200, Asheville, NC 28804